our technicians

Aide Media is dedicated to providing you the best service from highly qualified techicians who have been in the business for years. Timely, knowledgeable and professinoal, our operators will ensure that your talent is at ease and performing at their peak.

Any prompter can be set to run on its own, however it is really crucial to have an experienced operator adjust the prompter flow for the talent to match their pace; otherwise they will sound robotic and may have to wait for the words to scroll up before finishing a phrase. That often results in an awkward pause that requires either a retake or editing in post. If text is not positioned properly on the talent, in relation to the lens the talent's eyes will look "squirrely" as they dart about on the page to follow text. Also, it helps to have someone to make script changes on-the-fly.

When running teleprompter one must have constant focus on the talent and the script. This puts one in an ideal position to direct sessions, create best-take files for editors, or supervise scripts for continuity.

To maximize production budgets we can handle any of these multiple-roles, if needed.