frequently asked questions

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Peace of mind! It's as simple as that. No learning curve, no equipment compatibility concerns, and no downtime dealing with either. Trained operators have instincts and skills that will circumvent challenges before they even arise. We want your prompting experience to be flawless.

Teleprompters are available in two basic configurations – Camera Teleprompters and Presidential or Executive Speech Prompters.

Camera teleprompters come in 2 varieties, tripod mounted and pedestal mounted the choice depends on whether the camera will move or not. A pedestal telerompter is independently supported in front of the camera and not attached to the tripod. So, if you pan, tilt or dolly the camera to follow your subject, a pedestal telerompter will not stay in front of the lens. When a teleprompter is tripod mounted, it stays in front of the lens wherever the camera moves.

Business leaders and lecturers who deliver lengthy speeches without ever once looking away from their audience rely on Speech Prompters to assist them. Take note of the two panes of glass that are positioned at the corners of their podiums. Those glass beamsplitters reflect images from monitors (at the base) that have the entire speech scrolling on them. While the text is seen clearly from the podium, it is completely invisible to the audience. These “Speech Prompters” can be used by anyone who speaks to a live audience

There should be a teleprompter on every camera that the talent looks directly at. For example if you have three ‘manned’ cameras that traditionally are tight shots on the talent and you have a fourth camera that is unmanned and only gives a wide shot, then only the three ‘manned’ cameras would require prompters. In the case of a Speech Prompter application, one Speech Prompter on each side of the podium allows the talent or presenter to look left and right at the audience and still maintain eye contact with the script.

Do you trust someone who won’t look you in the eye when they are talking to you? Putting the display anywhere except directly in front of the lens (behind a beamsplitter) means the on-camera talent can’t look the viewer in the eye. Television (and by extension video production) is mischaracterized as a ‘mass medium’. It is in fact a very personal medium where one person … your talent … is talking to one person … your customer.

Our program uses RTF format. Word, PDFs, PowerPoints and other formats will need to be converted into a simple text format.

Make sure you to break down the sections into manageable parts, but don't worry about formatting (eg text size) as this can be done in the app itself.

Write to be Read. Use a conversational tone, and avoid stilted language. It helps to read your script aloud to ensure a natural flow and practice your delivery.

Prices depend on the type of prompter you are using as well as how long your shoot is booked for. Please contact us with details so we can supply you with a proper quote.

We accept Credit Card, Paypal, Check, Money Orders, and Bank Wire. We accept credit cards in the form of Mastercard and Visa.

You can reach us via phone, text message or email. Click here for more information.